Expedition "The Trail of Francysk Skaryna"

Interest to Francysk Skaryna’s legacy inspires amateurs and professional scholars to the field observation of places associated with his life and activity, his obvious and hidden effect on surroundings.
Such research of material and non-material evidences of probable Francysk Skaryna’s attendence was conducted during an expedition involving the Head of the Museum of Belarusian Book-Printing Slavina Gavrilova. Participants of the expedition took a trip from Polack to the western border of Belarus retracing Skaryna’s path from his native town to the capital city of Vilnia. Specialists explored travelling conditions between locations, examined resting places and cultural leisure sites. Observed architectural monuments and natural sites, cities and towns, landscapes and sceneries could be included into a new touristic route for the amateurs of the edutainment travelling.