A personal exhibition of tapestry and graphics by Ludmila Petrul and sculpture by Maxim Petrul

A personal exhibition of tapestry and graphics by Ludmila Petrul and sculpture by Maxim Petrul was opened at the Art gallery of Polotsk National Historical and Culrural Museum-Reserve. Ludmila Petrul is the famous master of textile. Her works are very romantic, lyrical and her style is varied and interesting. She enhance the expressiveness through making a pile relief, volume and tapestries using weaving and embroidery, through the inclusion of various other parts. This exhibition also shows some interesting graphical works naming “A man in a town.”
Maxim Petrul is an active participant of republican and international art exhibitions, competitions, symposiums. He takes active part in creation of works for public spaces, makes reports at conferences and in higher educational institutions. His works are extraordinary, fascinating and have a special sense.
This exhibition runs until January 31, 2015.